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Anesthesia During Pregnancy

If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, tell your dentist during your visit. During the first trimester (three months), it is best to avoid major non-emergency dental treatment. However, treatment to remove

Are Implants Right for Yout?

Are Implants Right for You? Who is a good candidate? Success rates Implants vs. alternatives Implants are devices that replace the roots of missing teeth. They are used to support crowns, bridges or dentures. Implants are surgically


A bridge, also known as a fixed removable denture, is made to replace one or more missing teeth. can be supported in any of three ways: By natural teeth By implants By a combination of teeth and implants A traditional bridge is made

Conscious Sedation

Some people aren't very nervous about getting dental treatment. Others are very nervous. They may find that their hearts begin to beat fast, their breathing speeds up and their palms get clammy just thinking about going to the


A crown is a tooth-shaped cover placed over a tooth that is badly damaged or decayed. Many people call it a cap. may be placed for several reasons. Usually the tooth has been broken or severely damaged by decay. As a result, a

Crowns for Primary (Baby) Teeth

When Are Crowns Used in Primary Teeth? A crown is a cover placed over the entire tooth that is made to look like a tooth. It is used for teeth that are badly damaged or decayed. Many people call this a "cap." It's

Denture Adhesives: Do They Work? Do You Need Them?

Watch enough television and you could be convinced that everyone with dentures should use an adhesive. Talk to some dentists and you might be convinced that no one should use an adhesive. The


Denture Adhesives: Do They Work? Do You Need Them? Watch enough television and you could be convinced that everyone with should use an adhesive. Talk to some dentists and you might be convinced that no one should use an adhesive

Endodontic Treatment in Children

Endodontic treatment involves the pulp of a tooth. The pulp contains the tooth's nerve. It also contains blood vessels that give the tooth oxygen and nutrients. When the pulp is injured or infected, endodontic

Fluoride and Your Teeth

Fluoride's Importance to the Teeth Enamel, the outer layer of the crown of a tooth, is made of closely packed mineral crystals. Every day, minerals are lost and gained from inside the enamel crystals. Losing minerals is

Lost Filling or Crown

Fillings are materials used to fill cavities in the teeth. Crowns cover the tops of damaged teeth. Sometimes, fillings or crowns fall out. In some cases, a filling or crown may come loose because there is decay underneath it.

Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal is usually painful. When people are told that they need a root canal treatment, they usually think about pain. However, the pain they feel is caused by an infection in the tooth, not by root canal

Oral Hygiene for the Orthodontic Patient

If you thought brushing and flossing were important before you got braces…well, you were right. But people undergoing orthodontic treatment need to be even more dedicated to good oral hygiene. A successful

Orthodontics: Braces and More

What Is Orthodontics? Orthodontics is a specialty field of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents and treats irregularities of the teeth and face. Treatment can correct an irregular or "bad" bite, also known as a

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are aids used to reinforce fillings and crowns when a large part of the tooth is decayed or missing. Both can be used in the same tooth, if necessary. Each situation is different. Your dentist will

Placing a Child's Filling

Young children may have some difficulty with dental treatment. But the visit can be a positive one if the dentist has training and experience with this age group. Here's how a filling is placed. Anesthesia If the filling

Restoring the Tooth after Root Canal

For small cavities in front teeth, your dentist may place a tooth-colored filling after a root canal. The hole drilled in the back of the tooth to find the canal also will need a filling. Usually, your tooth

Root Canal the Second Time Around

A root canal can fail for several reasons. If the bacteria were not completely removed from the canals, they can multiply and cause pain. Bacteria can also reinfect a tooth if a permanent filling was not placed

Surgery for Temporomandibular Disorders

Surgery may be advised if conservative treatments do not relieve pain and help you move your jaw better. These earlier treatments may include splints, physical therapy and medicines to treat pain and

Treatment of Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Gum (or periodontal) disease is caused by bacteria that attach to the teeth next to the gums. The gums become inflamed. This begins a process that can destroy the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth If

Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders

Deciding on the Right Treatment Temporomandibular dysfunction includes a wide range of disorders that often overlap. They include: Muscle problems that affect jaw movement Pain in the face around the jaw

Types of Fillings

Amalgam Made of: A mixture of silver, tin, zinc, copper and mercury. Mercury is nearly 50% of the mixture. Types: Traditional (non-bonded) Used for: Fillings in back teeth Lasts: At least 10 years, usually longer Costs: The least

Types of Fillings Used in Children

Fillings in children — in both primary and permanent teeth — can be metal or plastic. Metal fillings are also called amalgam. Plastic fillings include composite resins and glass ionomers. There's also a